Apple flognarde is nothing more than a clafoutis. In some regions in France, the traditional french dessert – clafoutis is referred to as flognarde. The flognarde is usually made with apples or pears.
This dessert is so simple - just a sweet batter poured over a layer of apple chunks and baked in the oven. You can eat this dish as a hot pudding, or a cold dessert. Ingredients (serves 6):
3 apples (Reine de Reinette)
3 large eggs
1 ½ cups (350 ml) milk
½ cup (90 g) sugar
½ cup + 1 tbsp (70 g) flour
2 tbsp vegetable oil (or any neutral oil)
Preheat the oven at 400ºF (200ºC).
Peel and core the apples then cut into chunks.
Grease the tart tins with butter and sprinkle some flour. Place them on a baking sheet. Divide the apple chunks evenly between the tartlet tins.
Gently heat the milk until warm. In a mixing bowl, whisk the eggs until blended and foamy. Add the sugar, flour, oil and whisk until smooth. Gradually whisk in the warm milk.
Using a ladle, carefully pour the liquid batter over the apple chunks in the tins, filling up to the rim.
Bake for 30 – 45 minutes until the flognarde is puffed and golden.
Flognarde aux pommes
Ingrédients (6 personnes):
3 pommes (Reine de Reinette)
3 œufs
350 ml de lait
90 g de sucre
70 g de farine
2 càs d'huile neutre
Faites préchauffer le four à 200ºC.
Pelez et coupez les pommes en morceaux. Beurrez et farinez les moules et déposez les pommes.
Faites chauffer le lait. Dans un saladier, cassez les oeufs. Battez-les au fouet. Ajoutez le sucre, la farine, l’huile, puis le lait qu’on a légèrement tiédi.
À l'aide d'une louche, versez la préparation dans les tartelettes à hauteur.
Faites cuire de 30 à 45 min, afin que la flognarde gonfle et dore.