Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stuffed bread loaf

This weekend was the weekend of leftovers, and I love leftovers. I love them because I don't have to make dinner, for one thing and mostly because all the real work is already done, leftovers free me up to be creative in a low-key way.  So, this stuffed bread is an idea for an easy-to-put-together appetizer that guests will enjoy, and a way to use your leftovers too.

This is a very flexible recipe, and you can adjust amounts and ingredients to what you have hanging out in the fridge. Switch out the ham for turkey or the provolone for Swiss or cheddar. Add grilled eggplant slices, chopped olives, salami, ricotta, grilled zucchini, sun-dried tomatoes... There really is no end to combination with this recipe.

Honestly, there's nothing like a versatile recipe to make my day. Add to that affordable and quick and you have a real winner for me!!!

1 round bread loaf
1/3 cup olive oil
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1 tsp minced garlic
1/4 pound (115g) sliced ham
7 oz (200g) sliced provolone or mozzarella cheese
1 (12 oz / 340g)) jar roasted red peppers, drained

Slice the bread vertically but not all the way through the bottom.
Combine oil, oregano, pepper, crushed red pepper flakes and garlic in a medium bowl. Stir to mix well. Brush generously the interior with this mixture.

In assembly line fashion, make piles of cheese, ham and roasted red peppers to fit down in your bread slices. Be sure the pepper rings are drained well to prevent a soggy sandwich.

Preheat the oven to 350ºF (180ºC) and place the bread 20 mn until cheese is melted. 

Note : You can add other ingredients like sun-dried tomatoes, sliced olives, pesto, marinated artichokes, grilled eggplant slices, ricotta, salami.... just use your imagination!!!

Pain de campagne fourré


1 grand pain de campagne
75 ml d'huile d'olive
1 càc d'origan
1/2 càc de poivre
1/4 càc de paprika
1 càc d'ail écrasé
200 g de tranches de jambon
200 g de fromage provolone tranché ou de mozzarella
1 boîte de 340 g de poivrons rouges égouttés

Couper la miche aux 2/3 de sa hauteur. Réserver la calotte. 
Dans un bol, mélanger l'huile avec l'origan, le poivre, le paprika et l'ail.
Badigeonner généreusement l'intérieur du pain de ce mélange.

Disposer en rangs successifs les poivrons grillés, les tranches de fromage, et le jambon.

Préchauffer le four à 180ºC et placer le pain environ 20 mn jusqu'à ce que le fromage fonde.

Note : On pourra substituer ou ajouter d'autres ingrédients tels que : des tomates séchées dans l'huile égouttées, des olives kalamata hachées grossièrement, du pesto, des artichauts marinés et épongés, de la ricotta, du salami....
