Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Raspberry clafoutis

Clafoutis are a French dessert, typically made with cherries. And if cherries are substituted with other fruits, we are supposed to call it a flognarde. This homely dessert originates from Limousin, a region in central France. If you enjoy raspberries, you'll love this dessert. The juice of the raspberries seep into the flan-like dessert and add a fresh flavor. Here's the recipe!

Ingredients (serves 4):
1 egg + 1 yolk
1/3 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
pinch of salt
1/2 cup cream
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup whole milk
4 1/2 oz (125 g) raspberries

Preheat oven to 350ºF (180°C).

Butter 4 ramekins. Divide the raspberries between the ramekins.

In a bowl, mix the eggs, sugar and vanilla extract. Whisk in the flour, then pour the milk and the cream. Mix until smooth.

Pour the batter into the ramekins and place them on a baking tray. Bake for 35 minutes, until the clafoutis is set and golden. Let cool slightly.


Clafoutis aux framboises

Ingrédients (4 personnes):
1 oeuf entier + 1 jaune d’oeuf
40 g de farine
60 g de sucre
pincée de sel
10 cl de crème liquide
1/2 càc d'extrait de vanille
100 ml de lait entier
125 g de framboises

Préchauffez le four à 180°C.

Beurrez 4 ramequins. Divisez les framboises entre les 4 ramequins.

Dans un saladier, cassez les oeufs. Ajoutez le sucre et la vanille. Mélangez. Ajoutez la farine puis versez le lait et la crème. Mélangez. Versez la préparation dans les ramequins à l’aide d’une petite louche. Mettez le tout au four pendant 35 minutes. Laissez refroidir.
