Chocolate mousse is a much-loved dessert and it's funny that there are so many different ways to make this classic, with different textures but one only name: the chocolate mousse.
This recipe is really easy, only 2 ingredients and you're done.
Since the recipe has only two ingredients, it all depends on the quality of the chocolate you're using. My choice was Valrhona’s Guanaja, but if you have another favorite, feel free to substitute as long as it has 70% cocoa. If you find the taste of bittersweet chocolate too strong, you may add a bit of sugar.
The mousse sets beautifully after few hours in the fridge and never looses that melt-in-your-mouth consistency.
The recipe was adapted from a French chef called Cyril lignac! Enjoy and Bon appétit!!
Ingredients (serves 6):
200 g (7 oz) bittersweet chocolate
6 eggs
pinch of salt
In a saucepan, melt the chocolate with 2 tbsp of water on low heat.
Set aside and allow to cool for a couple of minutes.
Separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt on high speed until soft peaks form.
Add the beaten yolks to the melted chocolate. And mix well.
In 3 additions, fold egg white into chocolate mixture, and gently mix until seamlessly combined.
Pour into ramekins and refrigerate for around 8 hours.
Mousse au chocolat inratable
Ingrédients (6 personnes):
200 g de chocolat noir
6 œufs
une pincée de sel
Dans une casserole, faites fondre à feu très doux le chocolat avec 2 càs d'eau.
Hors du feu, laissez refroidir quelques instants.
Séparez les blancs des jaunes et montez, à l'aide d'un batteur éléctrique, les blancs en neige bien ferme avec le sel.
Ajoutez les jaunes d'œufs battus dans le chocolat fondu. Mélangez énérgiquement.
Puis ajoutez délicatement les blancs d'œufs en 3 fois, sans les casser.