This is one of my favorite appetizers. A meal that is full of flavor for only a tiny amount of effort. Sometimes just a few ingredients can create lots of wonders, like these chicken wings which are packed with really tasty flavors. One if its secret ingredient is pomegranate molasses, a key ingredient in Lebanese cooking.
It is basically the juice of sour pomegranates, boiled down until it is a thick syrup. Pomegranate molasses adds a rich and tangy flavor to those chicken wings in addition to the garlic and chopped coriander.
This is a super appetizer for a big group of people, served with a tasty salad; it’s perfect for weekday entertaining. My husband told me the chicken was like heaven in his mouth, and if that doesn't sell it to you I don't know what will!
2.2 lb (1 kg) chicken wings
6 cloves of garlic
1/4 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp white pepper
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp coriander
1/4 cup pomegranate molasses
2 tbsp of olive oil
1/2 a lemon, juiced
a handful of coriander, finely chopped
Salt & pepper to taste
Season the chicken wings with salt and pepper. Then add the spices and mix well.
In a heavy bottomed pan, heat the olive oil. Add the chicken wings and saute for about 10 mn on each side, until they're nicely browned and done.
Once cooked on both sides, add the minced garlic and the chopped coriander and cook for another 3 to 5 mn. Finally add the lemon juice and the pomegranate molasses, mix well and let it sit for about 5 mn before serving.
Ailes de poulet au mélasse de grenade
1 kg d'ailes de poulet
6 gousses d'ail
1/4 càc de quatre-épices
6 gousses d'ail
1/4 càc de quatre-épices
1/4 càc de poivre blanc
1/4 càc de cannelle
1/4 càc de coriandre
1/4 tasse de mélasse de grenade
2 càs de huile d'olive
jus d'1/2 citron
une poignée de coriandre, hachée
sel et poivre
jus d'1/2 citron
une poignée de coriandre, hachée
sel et poivre
Assaisonnez les ailes de poulet de sel et de poivre. Ajoutez les épices et mélangez.
Dans une grande poêle, faites chauffer l'huile. Ajoutez les ailes de poulet et faites les revenir 10 mn de chaque côté jusqu'à coloration.
Une fois cuites, ajoutez l'ail émincé et la coriandre hachée et faites cuire 3 à 5 mn. Enfin, ajoutez le jus de citron et la mélasse de grenade, mélangez et laissez reposer 5 mn avant de servir.