Sunday, December 5, 2010

Zucchini frittata with flaked almonds

No this is not a cake with slivered almonds, it's a frittata!!

Last week, while recovering from restaurant overload, I cooked at home every night. The snow and dreary weather were making me thoroughly depressed. My hubby was in Chicago on business, so I was cooking just for one. And as I really hate to eat alone, I didn't want to spend too much time in the kitchen and all I wanted is quick meals and comfort food. Well, how often do we cook nice fancy meals just for ourselves, with no one to impress? 

Last night, I made this frittata for a light dinner. Usually, I make a lot of frittatas. I think they're so versatile, they fill your belly and allow you to use up leftovers. The magic touch in this particular frittata was the toasted slivered almonds I sprinkled over the top of it.

6 large eggs
3.5 oz (100 g) Parmesan cheese, grated
1 large zucchini
2 tbsp mint, chopped
2 tbsp basil, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
2 oz (60 g) slivered almonds

Toast the slivered almonds in a skillet over medium heat, until lightly browned. Set aside.

Wash and slice the zucchini using a mandolin.

In a big bowl, beat the eggs, add the zucchini slices, the parmesan and the herbs. Season with salt and pepper.

Heat the olive oil in the skillet, and pour the egg mixture. Cook on low heat around 7 mn, then flip the frittata on a plate and cook it for another 2 mn.

Garnish with the toasted slivered almonds. You can eat it hot or cold.

Frittata aux courgettes et amandes

6 gros œufs
100 g de Parmesan râpé
1 belle courgette
2 càs de menthe, hachée
2 càs de basilic, haché
2 càs d'huile d'olive
60 g d'amandes effilées

Faites dorer les amandes à sec dans une poêle. Réservez.

Lavez et râpez la courgette à l'aide d'une mandoline.

Cassez les œufs dans un grand bol et fouettez-les. Ajoutez les courgettes, le parmesan et les herbes. Poivrez et salez.

Faites chauffer l'huile d'olive dans la poêle. Versez la préparation aux œufs et faites cuire à feu doux 7 mn environ, puis retournez délicatement avec une assiette et poursuivez la cuisson 2 mn.

Parsemez d'amandes grillés. Servez chaud ou froid.

Adapted from: Saveurs magazine
