Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Spinach & brie puff pastries

I’m in a puff pastry phase! Well, I have a weakness for puff pastry, the flaky crispy pastry dough… I just love it! It’s one of the staple ingredients I always keep in my freezer. It always come in handy, and it’s never wasted.

I love how it dresses up any menu. You can top or fill it with just about anything you like and have an outstanding appetizer or dessert. For the holidays or any special occasion, these spinach and cheese puffs would make a fantastic addition to any menu, simple delicious flavors in one cute little appetizer.

In this version, I used Brie cheese but feel free to substitute it with any cheese you like. When thawing frozen puff pastry be sure to give it time. You can thaw the sheets, wrapped, overnight in the refrigerator or just lay it out on the counter for about 30 minutes.

Ingredients (makes 4 puffs):
1 cup fresh spinach, chopped
4 thin slices Brie (or more)
1 egg beaten
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1 puff pastry, thawed if frozen
Salt and pepper, to taste
sesame and poppy seeds for decoration

Preheat the oven 350ºF (180ºC). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Put the spinach in a bowl; stir in half the beaten egg and the nutmeg.
Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Roll out the pastry on a floured surface into a rectangle (16 x 8 in / 40 x 20 cm) and trim the edges. Lightly flour the top of the pastry and cut the rectangle into 4 pieces, each about 4in (10 cm) wide and 8in (20 cm) tall.
Cut 1 in (2.5 cm) thick wide strips diagonally on both sides of the pastry, leaving the center intact.
Try to cut an equal number of strips on both sides.

Lay pastries out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Divide the spinach equally between the squares, in the center, top it with brie slices then braid by crossing the strips over the filling alternating from side to side.
(Here's an excellent quick video to watch that explains it much better)!

Brush the tops of the pastries with the remaining beaten egg (add a tbsp of water), then sprinkle some sesame and poppy seeds over each pastry. Bake 20 to 25 minutes, or until puffed and golden.

Feuilletés épinards et brie

Ingrédients (4 feuilletés) 

1 tasse d'épinards frais, hachés
4 tranches de brie (ou plus)
1 œuf battu
1/4 càc de noix de muscade
1 pâte feuilletée, décongelée
Sel et poivre, selon goût
graines de sésame et de pavot pour la déco

Préchauffez le four à 180ºC. Chemisez une plaque de cuisson de papier sulfurisé.
Mettez les épinards dans un saladier, ajoutez la moitié de l'œuf battu. Assaisonnez de sel, poivre et de noix de muscade. 

Déroulez la pâte sur un plan de travail fariné en un rectangle de 20 x 40 cm. Coupez les bords. 
Découpez des franges diagonales sur les deux côtés en laissant le centre intact. Placez les feuilletés sur la plaque chemisée. Divisez la garniture d'épinards entre les rectangles, sur le centre, ajoutez les tranches de brie, puis commencez à tresser les bandes, repliez les franges par la gauche à droite en alternance. (Voici une vidéo qui explique le processus)!

Badigeonnez la surface du restant du jaune d’œuf battu avec un peu d’eau, parsemez de graines de sésame et de pavot et faites cuire au four 20 à 25 mn.
