Apples and pears, fall's finest fruits are now in season. One sign of fall is the arrival of a bounty of apples in local produce stands, along with pears and other fruits. Local farmers' markets are brimming with apples and pears this time of year, and I think this is a very good reason to bake this delicious galette, don't you?
Baking fruit gives an exciting taste dimension, it concentrates the fruits' sugars so the flavors are intensified. It also turns flabby fruit to a buttery soft consistency, which is very satisfying. So this month and with the abundance of apples and pears at the market, I decided to take part to the Monthly Mingle hosted by Deeba and send this luscious pear and apple frangipane galette!
Ingredients (serves 6):
375 g (13 oz) puff pastry
1 egg yolk, beaten
1 green apples, peeled, quartered, cored and thinly sliced
1 pear, peeled, quartered, cored and thinly sliced
melted butter, for brushing
1 tbsp honey to drizzle
chopped pistachios, shelled and unsalted, for garnish
For the frangipane (almond cream):
¼ cup (50 g) granulated sugar
3 tbsp unsalted butter
1 egg
½ tsp vanilla extract
½ cup (40 g) almond meal
1 tbsp flour
Top the scored area with the frangipane, then layer the apple and pear slices over the top, brush lightly with melted butter and bake for 30 mn until golden and puffy. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with pistachios.
Galette de pommes et de poires à la frangipane
Ingrédients (6 personnes):
375 g de pate feuilletée
1 jaune d'oeuf battu
1 pomme Golden, pelée, coupée en quartiers puis en fines lamelles
1 poire, pelée, coupée en quartiers puis en fines lamelles
beurre fondu pour badigeonner
1 càs de miel
une poignéé de pistaches non salées décortiquées pour la garniture
Pour la frangipane:
50 g de sucre
3 càs de beurre mou
1 oeuf
½ càc d'extrait de vanille
40 g de poudre d'amande
1 càs de farine
Etalez la crème d'amandes à l'intérieur du rectangle tracé. Disposez les lamelles de poires et de pommes au-dessus, badigeonnez de beurre fondu et enfournez 30 mn jusqu'à coloration. Arrosez de miel et parsemez de pistaches.