Monday, November 29, 2010

Potato and artichoke tortilla

One of my favorite tapas snack is la tortilla Española or the Spanish tortilla. I just love tapas-style meal, the sumptuous array of little small bites of many different flavors and I think that tapas from Spain, hors-d’œuvres from France, Mezze from the Middle-East, antipasti from Italy… are the greatest food invention. They’re a great way when sometimes you are hosting a casual cocktail party, when you want something quick and light yet yummy and healthy.

Actually, the good thing about it is the fact that you can eat as little or as much as you like, plus you have the privilege to taste a little of what you fancy instead of wishing you had ordered your friend’s meal. I like the congeniality of sharing food, passing it around, letting the conversation flow, taking your time over the meal.

Well, tortilla de patatas has become a staple in our house. It's quite a simple dish, comprising of a few ingredients, but it's absolutely delicious. It’s the ubiquitous national version and one of the most popular in Spain. But you know there are always lots of appetizing combinations one can try and this artichoke and potato tortilla is one of them.

Besides being incredibly delicious and versatile, this Spanish staple can be twisted into countless variations according to personal taste. Some mix in peas, green beans, peppers, zucchini, spinach, asparagus, chorizo, shrimps… and so many other surprising combinations that please every taste bud.

About 4 tbsp of olive oil or more if needed
3 medium potatoes, cubed
4 artichoke hearts (frozen or fresh)
2 garlic cloves, crushed
5 large eggs
salt, to taste

If using fresh artichokes, trim them and slice the hearts. If using frozen one, let them thaw.
Heat 1 tbsp of olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the artichoke hearts with the garlic and cook, tossing, until they are lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Set aside.

In the same skillet, add 3 tbsp of olive oil and add the potatoes then the onions. Adjust the heat to low and cook until the potatoes are soften. They should not be brown.

Beat the eggs with the salt in a medium-sized bowl and beat until just scrambled. Add the potato mixture and the artichoke with a slotted spoon and mix until well combined. Let stand for about 5 minutes.

Heat 2 tbsp of the reserved olive oil and pour the egg mixture into the skillet and flatten the potatoes with a spatula until the top is fairly even. Cook on medium low, moving and shaking the skillet, until the top is a little wet but not liquid, 6 to 8 minutes.

Top the skillet with a rimless plate slightly larger than the skillet and quickly invert the tortilla onto the plate. Carefully slide the tortilla back into the skillet, uncooked side down. Reduce the heat to very low and cook the tortilla 3 to 4 mn.

Invert the tortilla onto a serving plate and pat the top with a paper towel to get rid of excess oil. Let it cool a little, then cut the tortilla into wedges and serve warm or at room temperature. To serve as a tapa, cut the tortilla into squares and serve with toothpicks.

 Tortilla de pommes de terres et artichauts

4 càs d'huile d'olive, ou plus
3 pommes de terre de taille moyenne, coupées en cubes
4 artichauts poivrade 
2 gousses d'ail pelées
5 œufs
sel, selon goût

Enlevez les feuilles dures des artichauts, coupez leur queue (vous pouvez en conserver une partie si elle est tendre) et coupez-les en quartiers.
Retirez le foin avec une cuillère en grattant la surface du coeur.

Dans une poêle, faites colorer sur feu moyen les artichauts avec 1 c. à soupe d’huile et les gousses d’ail écrasées, en remuant souvent, environ 5 mn. Réservez.

Dans la même poêle, ajoutez 3 c. à soupe d'huile d'olive et ajouter les pommes de terre puis les oignons. Laissez cuire à feu doux jusqu'à ce que les pommes de terre soient tendres. Il ne faut pas que cela rôtisse.

Dans une jatte, battez les oeufs. Salez et poivrez. Ajoutez les pommes de terre-artichauts égouttés. Laissez reposer pendant environ 5 minutes.

Faites chauffer 2 cuillères à soupe d'huile d'olive dans la même poêle. Versez le mélange oeufs, pommes de terre. Remuez la poêle d'avant en arrière pour éviter que le fond n'accroche.
Laissez cuire à feu moyennement doux. Une fois cuite, retournez l'omelette en vous servant d'un plat. Laissez à nouveau cuire 3 à 4 mn.

Retournez la tortilla sur une assiette, et retirer l'excès d'huile en épongeant le dessus avec du papier absorbant. Laissez tiédir et coupez en quarts. Pour servir comme tapas, coupez la tortilla en carrés, et enfoncer un petit bâtonnet (genre cure-dents) au milieu de chaque carré.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Baked Scallops Gratin

I don't know what's the weather like in your neck of the woods, but outside my window as I write this post it’s a dreary cold weather. Winter is calling out to me to make hearty soups, delicious stews, bubbling casseroles, and savory gratins, meals that help take the chill off frosty winter days.

Bitter cold days like these make you think about the best cold-weather survival tip. This baked scallop gratin surely warmed up the night, a dish that my husband and I fought over for the last piece at the bottom of the dish :)
The delicate crunch of the crispy top contrasts perfectly with the mild, tender scallop while the garlic and lemon juice provide a delightful flavor spike.

This dish came together together in no time. You simply combine the scallops with olive oil, lemon juice, parsley and garlic, spoon them into a gratin dish, top with breadcrumbs and dot with small knobs of butter and bake.

These make a wonderful appetizer, by dividing them into 4 ramekins, but you can serve them as a stand-alone entree as well, or for yourself as a simple lunch or dinner. Either way, they taste really GOOD!!

And to my American readers, I would like to wish all of you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving! Blessings to all and may all of our hearts be guided by love and compassion!

Ingredients (serves 4 as appetizer):

2 tbsp olive oil
1 lb (450 g) bay scallops, patted dry
3 large cloves of garlic, minced
2 tbsp minced fresh parsley
1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tsp salt
freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup breadcrumbs
1 tbsp unsalted butter, cubed

Preheat the oven to 425ºF (220ºC). Lightly spray the gratin dish with cooking spray.

In a bowl, combine olive oil, garlic, parsley, lemon juice, bay scallops. Season with salt and pepper.

Using a slotted spoon place the scallops into the gratin dish, top with the breadcrumbs and the butter.

Bake 10-12 minutes, or until the topping is golden brown and sizzling, and the scallops are just barely done. For a crispier top, turn on the broiler for the last 1-2 minutes.

Remove from oven. Serve immediately with baguettes slices and some lemon wedges.

Gratin de noix de saint jacques

Ingrédients (pour 4 personnes en hors-d'œuvre):

2 càs d'huile d'olie
450 g de noix de saint jacques
3 gousses d'ail, émincées
2 càd de persil haché
1 càs de jus de citron
1 càc de sel
Poivre noir
1/4 tasse de chapelure
15 g de beurre, coupé en cubes

Préchauffez le four à 220ºC. Beurrez légèrement le plat à gratin.

Dans un bol, mélangez l'huile d'olive, l'ail, le persil, le jus de citron et les noix de saint jacques. Assaisonnez de sel et de poivre.

A l'aide d'un écumoire, déposez les noix de saint jaques marinées dans le plat à gratin. Parsemez de chapelure et ajoutez les noisettes de beurre.

Enfournez 10 à 12 minutes, ou jusqu'à ce que le dessus soit doré. Mettez sous le gril 1 à 2 mn pour faire gratiner.

Retirez le plat du four. Servez immédiatement avec du pain et quelques tranches de citron.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Peanut Butter Cups

So, here's the thing: I LOVE peanut butter. And what I love the most is peanut butter and chocolate. It's such an exquisite combination and this is why there is a long list of treats featuring those two ingredients!! It had been a long time since I’ve had peanut butter cups, as here in France it's impossible to find those yummy cups (Reese's cups), so the only solution I had to squelch my chocolate and peanut butter cravings was to whip up a homemade batch, and I am so glad I did, it was one of the easiest and quickest recipe! So, if you are a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup fan like I am, then you will want to make these delicious sounding delicacies!

All that is required is to melt some chocolate, spread a little in a candy cup, chill the cups then top with a little peanut butter mixture, and then drop a little more chocolate on top. That's all! And the result is a delicious shell of chocolate filled with a creamy peanut butter mixture.

Ingredients (makes 24 cups): 

For the chocolate shells:
16 oz (450 g) semi-sweet chopped chocolate

For the peanut butter filling:
1/2 cup (125 g) peanut butter
1/2 cup (55 g) powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 tbsp milk

Melt the chocolate using a double boiler checking and stirring every 15 seconds until smooth and creamy.

In a bowl, mix the peanut butter and the powdered sugar. Add the vanilla then the milk, one tablespoon at a time until you get the desired consistency. You want the mixture to be firm, but spreadable. Set aside.

Once the chocolate is melted, stir and dollop about 1 tablespoon of the chocolate into the bottom of a muffin cup. Using the back of your spoon, smooth the chocolate around so that it completely coats the inside of the muffin liner.

Repeat this step for 24 cups. Place the cups on a tray and put them in the fridge for about 20 minutes until the chocolate is totally solid.

Take about 1 tablespoon of the peanut butter mixture and drop it on top of the firm chocolate. With a finger, smooth the filling down so that it’s flat.

Top with melted chocolate until all the peanut butter is covered. Spread the chocolate around with the back of your spoon. Again, put these cups on a tray and return to the fridge to harden.

Reese's cups - Cups au beurre de cacahuète

Ingredients (pour 24 cups): 

Pour la couche chocolat:
450 g de chocolat coupé en morceaux

Pour la farce au beurre de cacahuète:
125 g de beurre de cacahuète peanut butter
55 g de sucre glace
1 càc d'extrait de vanille
2 càs de lait

Faites fondre le chocolat au bain-marie.

Dans un bol, mélangez le beurre de cacahuète avec le sucre glace. Ajoutez l'extrait de vanille et le lait, 1 cuillère à la fois jusqu'à obtenir la consistence désirée. Le mélange doit être ferme mais facile à étaler. Réservez.

Une fois le chocolat fondu, versez 1 càs dans des moules à muffins. Avec le dos de la cuillère, étalez le chocolat sur tous les côtés.

Continuez avec les 24 moules. Placez les moules sur une plaque et mettez-les au frigo environ 20 mn.

Déposez 1 càs de beurre de cacahuète dans les moules, puis ajoutez 1 càs de chocolat fondu.

Étalez bien le chocolat avec le dos de la cuillère. Réfrigérez de nouveau jusqu'à ce que le chocolat soit ferme.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hindbeh (dandelion with caramelized onions)

As a Lebanese living in France, I admit that I get constant homesick hunger pangs. Well, I know I live in Paris, the city of mouth-watering goodies and I have been lucky enough to have moved in here four years ago.

Residing in Paris, is one of the most rewarding things I’ve done, without any clue there would be so many benefits to the richness of my everyday life experience. And I know deep down inside that I’ll be missing loads of things the day we decide to move away.

Well, to be honest, when I first moved in here, I encountered many frustrations coupled with negative first impressions and low expectations for a new environment. I was definitely homesick, and I refused to adapt to my new surroundings. All I was thinking about at that time was that I just cannot return to my former homeland, that I’ll be stuck here for God knows how long and that I have left behind all my family, my friends, and my childhood memories.

But I had to give myself the chance of being happy and appreciate the good and the bad elements, and a special thanks goes to my dear husband who helped me see the city in a different eye and who taught me that homesickness takes away the charm of exploring the new life I was about to begin in the 'city of light'.

Now I don’t know if Paris will ever feel like home the way home once felt, but it's definitely the greatest experience.

Now, back to my homesick cravings, I am really grateful to my friend who has tucked loads of goodies in her suitcase for me. Those dandelions were one of them. Now I will be able to squelch my homesick hunger pangs for quite sometime.

Ingredients (serves 4):
20 oz (550 g) dandelion
½ cup olive oil
4 onions (16 oz / 450g) onions, thinly sliced
6 garlic cloves crushed with a sprinkle of salt
salt to taste
½ cup lemon juice

Remove yellow leaves from dandelion. Wash well. Finely chop.
Bring water to a boil then add dandelion and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes.
Drain and rinse in cold water, then squeeze until dry.

Heat the olive oil in a skillet and fry the onions until golden. Remove half the quantity of onions from oil, reserve aside.
Fry chopped leaves in the same oil with onions for 15 minutes. Add garlic and salt and fry for 5 minutes. Add the lemon juice and mix.

Place in a serving plate and garnish with the reserved onions. Serve cold with some lemon wedges.

Pissenlits sautés - Hindbeh

Ingrédients (4 personnes):
550 g de pissenlit
115 ml d'huile d'olive
4 onions (450g) d'oignons, finement émincés
6 gousses d'ail pilées au mortier avec une pointe de sel
sel selon goût
115 ml de jus de citron

Lavez les pissenlit abondamment à l'eau froide. Hachez-les finement.
Faites-les cuire pendant 5 mn dans une grande casserole d'eau bouillante.
Egouttez-les, puis essorez-les dans un linge.

Faites dorer les oignons, à la poêle, dans l'huile d'olive. Réservez la moitié des oignons.
Ajoutez-y les pissenlits. Laissez-les dorer environ 15 mn. Ajoutez l'ail et le sel et laissez mijoter 5 mn. Versez le jus de citron et mélangez.

Transférez-les dans un plat de service. Parsemez de la moitié des oignons caramélisés. Servez à température ambiante avec quelques quarts de citron.
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Monday, November 15, 2010

Baked brie dip

If you love cheese, especially Brie cheese, then this is the ultimate treat for you. This baked hot gooey melted Brie cheese is a delicious hors-d'œuvre at any gathering. A melt-in-the-mouth taste sensation you will never forget.

I've been wanting to make baked brie ever since I spotted the recipe on white on rice couple. Believe me, this is one of the easiest and most irresistible appetizers. Last weekend, I hosted a small apéro for my friends and I was looking for a variety of dips and appetizers, and of course a great party does not begin without finger food.
Nothing better than some crowd-pleasing party friendly appetizers and dips to keep the conversation flowing and to create a casual, relaxing atmosphere.

It didn’t take me long to think of baked brie which, surprisingly, I have never made before though I have eaten and loved it many times. The addition of sun-dried tomatoes and garlic kicks up the flavor and adds a delicious twist.

Served with fresh warm baguette or crackers, this dip won't last long on a holiday table!

about 8-10 oz. (225-280 g) Brie
2 oz. (55 g) sun dried tomatoes packed in oil, chopped
2 medium garlic cloves, minced
1 heaping teaspoon of dried thyme or 3/4 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
fresh cracked black pepper
Baguette or crackers

Preheat oven to 325ºF (160ºC).

Remove rind from Brie, then cut brie into cubes.

In small bowl, combine sun dried tomatoes, garlic, thyme, fresh cracked black pepper.

In baking dish, layer the base with about 1/3 of the sun dried tomato mixture, then top with 1/2 of the chopped brie. Repeat the layering until the top layer is the sun dried tomato mixture.

Allow the layering to at least reach the rim of the baking dish. The dip will melt down considerably.

Bake in oven for about 30 minutes, or until the brie completely melts and becomes bubbly. You may need to stir the dip one time, about 15 minutes into the baking to combine the layers.

Serve warm, with bread or crackers.

Brie fondant aux tomates séchées

225 à 280 g de Brie
55 g de tomates séchées conservées dans l'huile, coupées en dés
2 gousses d'ail, écrasées
1 càc de thym seché ou 3/4 càc de thym frai
poivre noir
Baguette ou crackers

Préchauffez le four à 160ºC.

Retirez la croûte du brie et détaillez-le en cubes.

Dans un bol, mélangez les tomates séchées, l'ail, le thym et le poivre.

Dans un plat de cuisson, disposez 1/3 du mélange tomates séchées, puis répartissez la moitié des cubes de brie. Répétez en terminant avec une couche de tomates séchées.

Enfournez 30 mn, ou jusqu'à ce que le fromage fonde complètement. Vous pouvez mélangez au bout de 15 mn.

Servez chaud, avec de la baguette ou des crackers.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Chicken Stroganoff

Beef stroganoff was one of the first recipes I've learned to cook when I was young. 
I guess that something had to do with the name, which has a fascinating ring, the sound of the word 'stroganoff' was so intriguing and appealing to me and at the time I thought it sounded very “Chef” like. Stroganoff is also often made with strips of chicken breast rather than beef. It's a simple comforting dish that I found to be very pleasing and satisfying. It has all the components of a classic stroganoff minus the beef.

Ingredients (serves 4):
4 chicken breast, cut intro strips
2 tbsp olive oil
knob of butter
2 shallots, finely sliced
5 oz (150g) mushrooms, quartered
1 1/2 cup (400 ml) chicken stock
3/4 cup (200 ml) sour cream
2 tsp paprika
2 tbsp parsley, finely chopped
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Cook the pasta as per packet instructions.
Heat the olive oil and butter in a frying pan. Add the chicken and fry until cooked through. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.

Add the shallots to the pan, adding more olive oil or butter if needed, and heat gently until softened. Add the mushrooms and cook for a further 2 minutes or so.
Pour in the chicken stock and turn the heat up to high. Reduce the stock by half and then turn the heat down to a simmer. Add the chicken to the pan, along with the sour cream and stir through. Season and sprinkle paprika then simmer until the cream has thickened slightly.

Serve, accompanied by pasta and garnish with some chopped parsley.

Poulet Stroganoff

Ingrédients (4 personnes):

4 filets de poulet, coupés en lanières
2 càs d'huile d'olive
un peu de beurre
2 échalotes émincées
150 g de champignons de Paris, coupés en quarts
400 ml de bouillon de poulet
200 ml de crème épaisse
2 càc de paprika
2 càs de persil, haché
sel et poivre noir

Faites cuire les pâtes selon les indications du paquet.

Faites chauffer l'huile d'olive et le beurre dans une sauteuse. Ajoutez les lanières de poulet et faites-les revenir jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient cuites. Réservez-les dans une assiette.

Ajoutez les échalotes dans la sauteuse, ajoutez de l'huile si besoin, and faites-les revenir jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient transparentes. Ajoutez les champignons et laissez cuire 2 mn.

Versez le bouillon et laissez le réduire de moitié a feu vif, puis laissez mijoter à feu doux. Ajoutez le poulet et la crème. Assaisonnez selon votre goût et ajoutez la paprika et laissez la sauce s'épaissir.

Servez avec les pâtes et parsemez de persil haché.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chocolate Banana Cake

My husband always says that I have a tendency to buy too much fruit, it's true and I don't know why I pick them compulsively and then end up with ripe fruit screaming for help.
This week, I had over ripe bananas sitting on my counter so that gave me an excuse to bake, and yes, I do need excuses to justify my passion. 

So naturally, my choice fell on chocolate banana cake. The cake is amazingly delicious, with a deep chocolate flavor. 

I also want to share with you some photos I took on a day out with my best friend that came from Lebanon to spend a week with us. She had already came to Paris many times, but it was her first fall here, it was actually a chance to experience a unique view of the city. It was so beautiful and peaceful, everything was shaped up to form a spectacular autumn season. The sky has been mostly blue, the brightly colored crisp autumn leaves rustled with a great noise as we walked, the air was crisp but still pleasant, and the scene was truly amazing!!!


2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp sea salt
¼ tsp baking soda
1 Stick (8 tbsp) unsalted butter, at room temperature
¾ cup sugar
½ cup (packed) light brown sugar
2 large eggs
2 ripe bananas, mashed
¾ cup buttermilk
3 oz bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped, or ½ cup store-bought chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 350˚F (180ºC).

Butter a 9 x 5 inch loaf pan and place it on an insulated baking sheet or on two regular baking sheets stacked one on top of the other.

Sift together the flour, cocoa, baking powder, salt and baking soda.

Working with a stand mixer, preferable fitted with a paddle attachment, or with a hand mixer in a large bowl, beat the butter at medium speed for about a minute, until softened.

Add the sugars and beat for 2 minutes more. Add the eggs one at a time, beating for a minute after each addition. At this point, the batter may look a little curdled-it’s okay.

Reduce the mixer speed to low and mix in the mashed bananas. Add the dry ingredients in 3 additions, mixing only until they disappear into the batter. Still on low speed, add the buttermilk, mixing until it is incorporated. Stir in the chopped chocolate. Scrape the batter into the pan.

Bake for 30 minutes. Cover the bread loosely with a foil tent to keep the top from getting too dark, and continue to bake for another 40 to 45 minutes (total baking time is between 70 to 75 minutes), or until a thin knife inserted into the center comes out clean. Transfer the pan to a rack and cool for at least 20 minutes before running a knife around the edges of the bread and unmolding it. Invert and cool at room temperature right side up.

Cake chocolat banane

220 g de farine
125 g de cacao non sucré
1 ½ càc de levure chimique
½ càc sel fin
¼ càc de bicarbonate de soude
170 g de sucre
100 g de cassonade
110 g de beurre doux
2 œufs
2 bananes mûres, écrasées (grande taille)
180 ml de lait Ribot ou fermenté
85 g de pépites de chocolat

Préchauffez le four à 180ºC.

Beurrez un moule à cake et placez-le sur une plaque à patisserie.

Tamisez la farine, le cacao, la levure, la bicarbonate et le sel.

Dans un saladier, battez le beurre 1 mn.

Ajoutez les sucres et battez 2 mn. Ajoutez les œufs, un à un, en battant après chaque ajout.

Ajoutez la purée de bananes puis versez le mélange de farine tamisée en 3 fois, en mélangeant après chaque ajout. Ajoutez le lait ribot et mélangez. Incorporez les pépites de chocolat et versez la préparation dans le moule.

Enfournez pour 30 mn. Faites-le sortir et couvrez-le avec du papier aluminium. Enfournez de nouveau pour 40 mn de plus. Laissez-le refroidir complètement avant de couper.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pear & Apple frangipane galette

Apples and pears, fall's finest fruits are now in season. One sign of fall is the arrival of a bounty of apples in local produce stands, along with pears and other fruits. Local farmers' markets are brimming with apples and pears this time of year, and I think this is a very good reason to bake this delicious galette, don't you? 

Baking fruit gives an exciting taste dimension, it concentrates the fruits' sugars so the flavors are intensified. It also turns flabby fruit to a buttery soft consistency, which is very satisfying. So this month and with the abundance of apples and pears at the market, I decided to take part to the Monthly Mingle hosted by Deeba and send this luscious pear and apple frangipane galette!

Ingredients (serves 6):
375 g (13 oz) puff pastry
1 egg yolk, beaten
1 green apples, peeled, quartered, cored and thinly sliced
1 pear, peeled, quartered, cored and thinly sliced
melted butter, for brushing
1 tbsp honey to drizzle
chopped pistachios, shelled and unsalted, for garnish

For the frangipane (almond cream):
¼ cup (50 g) granulated sugar
3 tbsp unsalted butter
1 egg
½ tsp vanilla extract
½ cup (40 g) almond meal
1 tbsp flour

Frangipane: In the bowl of your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, cream the sugar and butter. Beat in the egg and vanilla extract until smooth. Add the almond meal and flour and beat until it forms a smooth paste. Transfer to a small bowl, cover and refrigerate.

Preheat the oven at 400ºF (200ºC).

Roll out the puff pastry to a rectangle of 1/4" height. Trim the edges. Score a ½ cm border on all sides with sharp knife. This will enable the sides to rise more than the center. Prick the center all over with a fork and brush the borders with egg yolk. Place on a paper-line baking tray.

Top the scored area with the frangipane, then layer the apple and pear slices over the top, brush lightly with melted butter and bake for 30 mn until golden and puffy. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with pistachios.

Galette de pommes et de poires à la frangipane

Ingrédients (6 personnes):
375 g de pate feuilletée
1 jaune d'oeuf battu
1 pomme Golden, pelée, coupée en quartiers puis en fines lamelles
1 poire, pelée, coupée en quartiers puis en fines lamelles
beurre fondu pour badigeonner
1 càs de miel
une poignéé de pistaches non salées décortiquées pour la garniture

Pour la frangipane:
50 g de sucre
3 càs de beurre mou
1 oeuf
½ càc d'extrait de vanille
40 g de poudre d'amande
1 càs de farine

Frangipane: Dans le bol de votre mixeur, battez le sucre avec le beurre. Ajoutez l'oeuf et l'extrait de vanille et battez jusqu'à ce que le mélange soit crémeux. Ajoutez la poudre d'amande et la farine et battez jusqu'à obtention d'un mélange homogène. Transférez dans un bol, couvrez et mettez au frigo.

Préchauffez le four à 200°C.

Sur un plan de travail légèrement fariné, étaler la pâte de manière à former un rectangle.
Disposez la pâte sur une plaque de cuisson garnie de papier sulfurisé. Avec la pointe d'un petit couteau d'office, tracez un rectangle interne à environ 1,5 cm des bords sans couper la pâte (cette indentation au couteau créera un léger rebord) et piquez légèrement avec une fourchette.  Badigeonnez le bord avec le jaune d'œuf.

Etalez la crème d'amandes à l'intérieur du rectangle tracé. Disposez les lamelles de poires et de pommes au-dessus, badigeonnez de beurre fondu et enfournez 30 mn jusqu'à coloration. Arrosez de miel et parsemez de pistaches.
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sumac flavored roasted potatoes

Sumac, the Middle Eastern pantry staple is a key ingredient in many Lebanese recipes. It is also a necessity for the spice blend, za’atar, usually made with sumac, toasted sesame seeds and thyme, which is sold premixed like chili powder.
Sumac has this astringent taste of tangy lemon, it’s made from dried ground berries of the sumac bush.

The recipe of sumac flavored roasted potatoes is so easy to prepare, and they make a great accompaniment for any main dish. Sprinkled with sumac, olive oil and garlic, the potatoes are roasted until golden and crispy.

3 potatoes
1 tbsp sumac
3 garlic cloves, pressed
olive oil

Peel the potatoes, then wash them. Cut them into big cubes.
Toss them with olive oil, and cook them in the oven at 400ºF (200ºC) until cooked and lightly browned.
In a bowl, mix the sumac, salt, pepper, garlic and 1 tbsp olive oil.
Toss the potatoes with this mixture and cook them 5 minutes until golden and crispy.

Pommes de terre au sumac
3 pommes de terre
1 càs de sumac
3 gousses d'ail, pressées
huile d'olive

Pelez les pommes de terre. Lavez-les et coupez-les en grands cubes.
Badigeonnez-les de huile d'olive et enfournez-les à 200ºC jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient légèrement dorées et cuites.
Dans un bol, mélnagez le sumac, le sel, le poivre, l'ail et 1 càs d'olive.
Ajoutez ce mélange aux pommes de terre et laissez cuire au four 5 mn de plus jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient dorées et croustillantes.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Manakish - Lebanese zaatar bread

Man'oushe is a symbolic Lebanese street food. Its full name is man'oushe b zaatar and it consists of disc of dough pressed flat and topped with a mixture of zaatar blend (thyme, sumac and sesame seeds) mixed with olive oil then baked in a brick oven or rolled out thin and cooked on a top of a saj. In Lebanon, you can find man'oushe literally everywhere, all around the country, at the fanciest breakfast gatherings to the poorest neighborhoods.

This Lebanese pizza, easily carried and eaten on the go, became a breakfast staple. I still remember the smell of man'oushe b zaatar at home when I was a kid, and this smell takes me back in time to great childhood memories. Every Saturday, my mom used to prepare her different toppings at home and head to the bakery so that the baker do the rest of the job.

The bakery was also a meeting place, people discussed politics, women gossiped and enjoyed a subhiyeh (morning meeting) while the baker prepared the dough.

I really enjoy breakfasts in Lebanon, manakish bi zaatar, manakish bi jibneh (with cheese), served with sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh mint, labneh, olives... and tea!! And this is what makes man'oushe more than just bread!!

5 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 3/4 cups water
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp instant yeast

For the topping
3/4 cup Zaatar mix (buy it from your Middle-Eastern suppliers)
1/2 cup olive oil

Bloom the yeast to make sure it is alive. Add the yeast to the water with the half teaspoon of sugar. Cover and set aside for 5-10 minutes.

Prepare the dough by mixing the oil with the flour and slowly mix in the yeast-water mixture. Add salt and knead for 10-15 minutes or until the dough is soft and elastic. Cover and keep aside to rise for an hour.

Begin forming the manakish by flattening out some dough and spreading it on a tray using the tips of your fingers. Top with zaatar mix and bake in a preheated oven 12 to 15 mn at 400ºF (200ºC).

550 g de farine
175 ml d'huile végétale
415 ml d'eau
1 càs de sel
1 càc de sucre
1 càs de levure instantanée

Pour la garniture
3/4 tasse de Zaatar
115 ml d'huile d'olive

Délayer la levure avec l'eau et le sucre. Couvrez et laissez reposer 5 à 10 mn.

Préparez la pâte en mélangeant l'huile avec la farine. Versez doucement le mélange levure-eau. Ajoutez le sel et pétrissez 10 à 15 mn jusqu'à ce que la pâte soit lisse et élastique. Couvrez et laissez-la reposer une heure.

Formez des disques de pâte en utilisant la pointe de vos doigts. Garnissez de la préparation de zaatar et enfournez 12 à 15 mn dans un four préchauffé à 200ºC.

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