We woke up to frost Saturday, which can only means one thing: Winter is here!
It was pouring rain, bleak gray clouds were rolling across the sky, and the sun reduced to a feeble orb through the thick, dark atmosphere. As I peered into the gloom, I was dreaming of soup, a thick, rich warm-me up soup!
We decided to spend the day snuggled up inside under a blanket, sipping hot chocolate and watching movies.
I somehow love the days, when it’s gray and rainy outside, and all you want to do is curl up on the couch listening to the drops of rain relentlessly pattering against the window.
So came this soup, without spending too much time in the kitchen. It is creamy, cheesy, velvety and healthy. The addition of ‘la vache qui rit’ adds a great flavor and texture. Actually, that's just what a soul needs on cold lazy days like this!
It was pouring rain, bleak gray clouds were rolling across the sky, and the sun reduced to a feeble orb through the thick, dark atmosphere. As I peered into the gloom, I was dreaming of soup, a thick, rich warm-me up soup!
We decided to spend the day snuggled up inside under a blanket, sipping hot chocolate and watching movies.
I somehow love the days, when it’s gray and rainy outside, and all you want to do is curl up on the couch listening to the drops of rain relentlessly pattering against the window.
So came this soup, without spending too much time in the kitchen. It is creamy, cheesy, velvety and healthy. The addition of ‘la vache qui rit’ adds a great flavor and texture. Actually, that's just what a soul needs on cold lazy days like this!
Ingredients (serves 4):
6 zucchinis (1.5 kg)
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 onion, roughly chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp allspice
4 cups water
6 portions laughing cow cheese
6 zucchinis (1.5 kg)
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 onion, roughly chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp allspice
4 cups water
6 portions laughing cow cheese
Wash and cut the zucchini in chunks. In a large, thick-bottomed pot over medium-high heat, add the olive oil. When the oil is hot add the garlic and onions and saute for a few minutes along with a pinch of salt and the allspice just until they soften up a bit. Stir in the zucchini. Add the water. Bring to a simmer and cook until zucchini are soft throughout, about 5 mn.
Drain the zucchini reserving some cooking liquid. Transfer the zucchini to a blender, add the cheese and puree until smooth. (You may have to add a bit of the cooking liquid to achieve the desired consistency). Taste and add more salt if needed. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil and serve.
Velouté de courgettes à la vache qui rit
Ingredients (serves 4):
6 courgettes (1.5 kg)
2 gousses d'ail, hachées
1 oignon, émincé
2 càs d'huile d'olive
½ càc de quatre-épices
4 tasses d'eau
6 portions la vache qui rit
6 courgettes (1.5 kg)
2 gousses d'ail, hachées
1 oignon, émincé
2 càs d'huile d'olive
½ càc de quatre-épices
4 tasses d'eau
6 portions la vache qui rit
Lavez et coupez les courgettes en morceaux. Faites chauffer l'huile dans une grande marmite, et faites revenir l'ail et l'oignon quelques minutes. Assaisonnez de sel et d'épices. Ajoutez les courgettes. Versez l'eau. Portez à ébullition et faites cuire les courgettes environ 5 mn.
Égouttez en réservant l'eau de cuisson. Versez les courgettes dans le bol du mixeur, ajoutez le fromage et mixez finement. Si vous préférez une texture plus fluide, ajoutez un peu d'eau de cuisson. Goutez et réctifiez l'assaisonnement. Versez un filet d'huile d'olive et servez chaud.