Light and refreshing... this is how I describe this pasta dish. So what could be better than an easy tasty meal to prepare on a day off... I whipped this pasta dish in like half an hour, and we devoured it in less than 20 mn :) I guess we were a bit too hungry!
We were off Friday and Monday, a long weekend i was longing for a long time ago. Sometimes you just need this break from work and routine just to recharge your batteries and go back with full energy. It was a perfect timing as the weather was so beautiful and the sun was always there to cheer us up.
Well, enough dreaming... tomorrow back to work... :( snif snif Ingredients:
500 g (1 lb) pasta linguine
1 1/2 kg medium shrimps, peeled & deveined
6 garlic cloves, minced
2 tbsp of olive oil
1 tbsp of lemon juice
a big handful of chopped cilantro
salt and pepper
In a large skillet over medium heat, heat the olive oil. Add the garlic and cook until fragrant. Add the chopped cilantro and cook. Add the shrimps and cook almost until pink. Add the lemon juice.
In a large pot cook the pasta in a boiling salted water. Drain.
Add the shrimps to the pasta. Season with salt and pepper. Toss and serve.
Pâtes aux crevettes à l'ail et à la coriandre
500 g de pâte (type linguine)
1 1/2 kg de crevettes moyennes pelées
6 gousses d'ail émincées
2 cas d'huile d'olive
1 cas de jus de citron of lemon juice
une grande poignée de coriandre ciselée
Sel et poivre
Dans une grande poêle, versez l'huile d'olive, ajoutez l'ail et laissez cuire jusqu'a légère coloration. Ajoutez le coriandre et laissez cuire. Ajoutez les crevettes et puis le jus de citron.
Faites cuire les pates dans de l'eau bouillante salée. Egouttez.
Versez les crevettes sur les pates. Assaisonnez de sel et de poivre. Mélangez. Servez.