Sunday, December 12, 2010

Deep Dish Chocolate Chip Cookies

I had never heard of pizookies, had you? A deep-dish chocolate chip cookies, served in a ramekin and topped with a big dollop of vanilla ice cream.
This idea came from a dessert served at B.J's Restaurant & Brewhouse. And what an awesome invention!!

Well, I’ve heard about the giant chocolate chip cookie, but this is the first time I’d come across a cookie dough baked directly in a dish. Well, to be honest, it’s a brilliant idea. There’s nothing like a good chocolate chip cookie, unless of course, if it’s more than an inch thick, freshly baked, hot out-of-the oven, rich and delicious topped with scoops of vanilla ice cream and served in its own deep dish.

The recipe is so simple and can be made in no time, you simply choose your favorite cookie dough recipe, press it into little individual-sized cobbler pans or gratins, and bake it.

I made them in individual ramekins but I think it's also fun to make one big if you've got a shallow kind of crock and share it family style.

The cold weather seems the perfect excuse to crave serious comfort food, and on top of this, the holiday season is nearly with us, so wherever you look there are all those lovely comfort foods and delicious treats from our childhood to contend with.

There's no denying the comfort when your spoon first breaks the golden crust, then there's the warm chewy cookie contrasting against the cool ice cream melting all over it!! Such comfort that first bite is sure to bring. 

Ingredients: (serves 4-6)
1 stick (113g) butter
1 cup chocolate chips (about 1/2 of a 12-oz bag)
1 ¼ cup (175 g) all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
½ cup (100g) light brown sugar
6 tbsp granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 large egg
Vanilla ice cream, to serve

Mix flour, baking soda and salt together in a bowl and set aside.
Beat butter and sugars together with an electric mixer on medium speed until well mixed, about 1 minute. Beat in egg and vanilla. Blend on medium speed for 30 seconds. Don't worry if mixture looks curdled.
Scrape down the bowl and beater and beat in flour mixture on low speed, until just a few dry streaks remain.
Use a rubber spatula to fold in the chocolate chips.

Preheat oven to 350ºF (175ºC). Lightly grease ramekins.

Fill ramekins about ½ way up with cookie dough, maximum (the dough rises when confined). Place ramekins on a baking tray and bake until tops are golden brown, 15-25 minutes, depending on size of ramekin (my 3'' took about 20 minutes.)

You want the cookie to be slightly undercooked for a gooey result, but not doughy. Keep a close eye on things after the first 12 minutes.
Remove from oven and eat immediately, with or without ice cream.


Ramequins de cookies aux pépites de chocolat

Ingrédients: (4 à 6 personnes)
113 g de beurre
180 g de pépites de chocolat
175 g de farine
1 càc de bicarb. de soude
1/4 càc de sel
100 g de sucre roux
6 càs de sucre
1càc d'extrait de vanille
1 œuf
Glace vanille, pour servir

Mélangez la farine, la levure et le sel dans un saladier. Réservez.
Battez le beurre avec les sucres à moyenne vitesse environ 1 mn. Ajoutez l'œuf et l'extrait de vanille, et battez 30 secondes.
Ajoutez le mélange de farine et battez à vitesse lente. Versez les pépites de chocolat et mélangez avec une spatule.

Préchauffez le four à 175ºC. Beurrez des ramequins.

Versez la préparation à ½ dans les ramequins (la pâte va gonfler). Déposez les ramequins sur une plaque à patisserie et enfournez 15 à 20 mn, cela dépend de la taille de vos ramequins.

Les cookies doivent être assez tendres. Vérifiez la cuisson 12 mn après, les miens ont mis 20 minutes.
Faites sortir du four et mangez immédiatement avec une boule de glace de vanille.
