Monday, October 4, 2010

Alsatian Apple Tart

Last weekend we drove a few hours from Paris to the Alsace, one of the loveliest and most picturesque regions in France. In fact, the Alsace is one of the country's smallest regions of France but it boasts mouth-watering specialties.

La petite France

German influence can be found all over Alsace, not least in the cuisine and the wine. It can be seen by simply looking around at the architecture and tasting the food.

They say Alsatian cuisine is like none other in France. This French North-East region, that shares borders with Germany, perpetuates the traditional gastronomy of France.

If you like good, hearty food, Alsatian cuisine won’t disappoint. Baeckeoffe (Baker’s oven), a casserole of pork, lamb, beef and vegetables; choucroute garni, sauerkraut with sausage;  Flammeküche, or what is called tarte flambée in French, a pastry filled with cream, onions, cheese, mushrooms and bacon; Zweibelküche or tarte à l'oignon, which is an onion tart; Tourte, a pie containing ham, bacon or ground pork with eggs and leeks.

Kougelhopf molds

Alsace is also renowned for its patisseries, including the kougelhopf, a sultana and almond ribbed molded dome-shaped cake, or the tarte alsacienne, a custard tart with local fruits.

We meandered the medieval streets, drank some great wine and excellent food. As with any quint French village, the bakery has to be the place to go, one of the stops I had to make was “la boulangerie” to taste the Alsatian pastries.


I love the distinctive culture of French food accompanied with pride, exclusive ingredients and techniques. I love the idea how a region's food is heavily influenced by the region's own history and border countries. And I feel that if I truly want to experience France, I should experience the food, both regional and national.

Ingredients (serves 6):
Shortcrust pastry:
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
9 tbsp (125 g) cold butter, cut into pieces
2 tbsp cold water

Preheat the oven to 375ºF (190ºC).
In a large bowl, mix the flour, butter, sugar, and salt with your fingertips until the butter is in pieces about the size of peas. Quickly stir the water into the mixture and then gather up the dough onto a sheet of plastic wrap and press it into a flat dish shape. Refrigerate dough for 1 hour.

Butter the bottom and side of a tart pan with a removable bottom. Roll the dough out onto a lightly floured surface into a circle. Roll the dough up onto your rolling pin and then unroll it directly onto the pan.

For the filling:
1 pound medium sized sweet apples, peeled, cored and thinly sliced
3/4 cup heavy cream
6 tbsp sugar
1 egg
1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Layer the apples on the bottom of the dough. In a bowl, mix the eggs and sugar, add the cream and the vanilla extract. Pour on top of the apples and bake at 375ºF (190ºC) for 50 to 55 minutes.

Tarte aux pommes à l'alsacienne

Ingrédients (6 personnes):
Pâte brisée
170 g de farine 
1 càs de sucre 
1/4 càc de sel 
125 g de beurre froid, coupé en dés 
2 càs d'eau froide

Préchauffer le four à 190°C.
Mélanger ensemble du bout des doigts la farine, le beurre, le sucre et le sel afin d'obtenir un mélange sableux assez grossier. Ajouter l'eau afin d'amalgamer le tout et former une boule de pâte. Emballer la pâte dans un film plastique et lui donner la forme d'un disque de la grandeur d'une assiette moyenne. Mettre au frigo pendant 1 heure et foncer un moule beurré de 24-26cm.

Beurrer un moule à tarte à fond amovible. A l'aide d'un rouleau à pâte, étaler la pâte en un cercle et étaler la dans le moule.

Pour la garniture:
4 pommes Golden
20 cl de crème épaisse
6 càs de sucre
1 œuf
1 jaune d'œuf
1/2 càc d'extrait de vanille

Epluchez les pommes, coupez-les en quartiers, éliminez le cœur et les pépins, recoupez les quartiers en lamelles et disposez-les harmonieusement sur la pâte. Dans un saladier, battre les œufs avec le sucre, la crème et l'extrait de vanille. Verser l'appareil sur les pommes. Enfourner à 190ºC de 50 à 55 mn.
